Friday, August 29, 2014

Homestay Breakthrough!!

Wow my weekly posts are turning into daily posts - but there are so many new things happening that I want to share with everyone!

I had a huge breakthrough with my home stay today.  My french is now conversational and comfortable (after only 3 days!).  At dinner, we talked about sports, classes, and most of all languages.  I asked if the family would help me with my Arabic and they lit up immediately!!  I brought them my notes and for 40 minutes they went through every single phrase I learned and made sure I pronounced it perfectly.

After that, my (real) family skyped in to say hi because my homestay family wanted to practice their English.   It was a broken conversation, mostly filled with smiles and laughs more than words, but everyone was happy.  My parents brought the cats in to Skype hello, my home stay father started teaching them Arabic, and my mom squeaked out a couple sentences in french to the great delight of the family.

Tomorrow I go to Casablanca for the weekend with some friends!  Abroad is heating up!

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